Audi is a renowned German automobile manufacturer that has long made its mark around the world. In 2013, Audi released a brand new Audi S6, a sedan that sports a new chassis, more fuel-efficient engine, complete with a full suite of Audi's latest high-tech conveniences. In order to market this $73,400 automobile, Audi worked with Venables Bell & Partners, an advertising agency, to create one of the most talked-about commercials in the 2013 Superbowl.
Seth Godin, author of All Marketers are Liars, said "No one buys fact. They buy a story." Therefore, to effectively sell the Audi S6 to a large scale audience, Audi narrates a story of a slightly insecure teenager who is unhappy about going to Senior Prom without a date. But when his father lets him borrow the new Audi S6 for the night, he gains more and more confidence with every mile, arriving Prom a more confident young man. The commercial ends with a tagline "Bravery, it's what defines us." on a blackened background.
On the surface, "Prom" encourages the audience to go out, be bold and do what they want, while asserting that with the new Audi S6 is the solution to their lack of confidence. My paper will discuss Audi's use of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey along with rhetorical appeals to highlight the sense of masculinity, empowerment and confidence that comes along with the car and brand. Furthermore, I will dig beneath the layers of the carefully thought out storyline and analyse parts of the advertisement that is seen as a reflection of what society deems as contemporary masculinity and bravery.
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