Halloween is one day out of the year that you can dress up to be anything you want. Whether it's a super sexy kitten or a bottle of ketchup costume, there are really no limitations when it comes to Halloween costumes. So why are skimpy costumes so harshly frowned upon? Many people judge women who wear strikingly sexy costumes made of little clothing as possible, because they believe that women are belittling themselves and have zero respect for their bodies. I completely disagree with the idea that looking sexy gives men more power over women. If an adult woman chooses to wear a sexy costume for Halloween, which I may remind you is a single night, then props to her for owning her sexy.
I totally agree- why should women feel compelled to dress conservatively just in fear of being frowned upon by society? Dress up as ketchum or a sexy kitten, do what you want! But don't base your actions on what you think others will approve of.