Sexism is an aspect of life that we must face everyday regardless of who we are; man or woman, and even boy or girl. According to the article be Elise Solé, a seven year old girl, Maggie, found a sign at Tesco advertising a Spiderman toy to solely boys. It read, a "Fun gift for boys", which was displeasing to young Maggie because she likes Spiderman just as much as any boy would. Calling the sign stupid and posing for a picture with a look of discontentment, Maggie made her point clear to the company who removed the sign and apologized for the inconvenience.
Maggie's right. The advertisement is stupid. We are at a day and age now where gender inequality needs to come to an end, for it segregates boys interests from girls interests. This teaches them from a young age that sharing the same interests is abnormal and unusual. I commend Maggie for her awareness and courage to speak up and make her point clear that this is wrong and needs to be changed. Shame on the companies for promoting such a negative outlook on gender inequality to young, impressionable children. It is our responsibility as future parents to instill a proper mindset in our children that gender equality is good and that there is nothing wrong with children of the opposite sex sharing common interests. So to the companies and advertisement agencies, again, shame on you for ingraining poor values in today's children.
Source: Girl Challenges Store to Remove Sexist Sign
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