Monday, September 29, 2014

"Share a Coke With..."

The most recent ad campaign used by the mega corporation Coca-Cola, is simple. It starts with the tag “share a coke with.” Then written on the bottle is either a generic word, like family or friends. Or, most popular, a name.  The bottles are printed randomly with hundreds of different names, and although you might not think simply changing the wrapper would cause an increase in sales, it has. People like seeing their names on things, it makes something super generic, like a bottle of coke, seem personal. Now, people can be seen scouring bins full of coke bottles looking for their name. Coke turned buying their product into a fun surprise, and because of that, they are seeing a 2% increase in sales.

            The named bottle campaign was only even meant to be temporary in the US. So, soon the bottles will return to the way they were before. Just another incentive to stock up on bottles with your name now.

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