Sunday, November 16, 2014

Let's Reconsider Art

For some reason, I felt compelled to write about this article. I have always been fascinated in the arts, but sometimes I wonder where the line should be drawn (if any) between art and doodle (or Selfie in this case). This article argues that the blame of the Selfie generation can be distributed— who are we learning from? The media, parents, friends, and basically anyone we come in contact with: it's a cultural phenomenon.

I think the underlying point is that art is not valued enough. Art schools are also the butt of many jokes, assuming that grads will not be able to earn a living. That is because so many of the laypeople assume that art is just a photograph and a photography is just a Selfie taken from a phone. We have turned media art into photoshop and photography into Selfies. In schools, art is no longer respected nor required. This generation of students are not learning about the influence that art has had on history. Even more important, people are no longer able to appreciate the effects art has on the self. Granted, not everyone is destined to be an artist, but art is a major stress and emotional outlet and everyone needs one of those.

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